Programs to Support 
Your Health

Courses, Workshops and Multi-Part Series of Articles that give you the step-by-step instructions you need to take control of your own health. The things you do to support health are the same things you will need to deal with challenges to your health.

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The Programs are organized by Categories. These are presented below. Use the menu below to jump to the Category that interests you. Just click on the Category name, or scroll down the page.

Program 1

Healthy Eating Workshop

You are what you eat. An old bit of wisdom for this modern world of additives and processed food. There is so much choice and sometimes it can feel like your diet is out of control. For over 20 years the Healthy Eating Workshop has helped people learn how to nourish themselves with good simple foods. Knowledge truly is power. See how you can take charge of your diet and transform your health!

Two Quick Ways to Discover Food Sensitivities
Good Seeds Grow Great Things: Our Interview with Kitazawa Seed Company
Add a Dash of Faith to Your Food: Interview with the Interfaith Sustainable Food Collaborative
Your Voice Matters! Health Guidelines Are Not For Lobbyists Anymore.
Omega 3 – Omega 6 Ratios of Common Oils
Not All The Great Pyramids Are in Egypt: Your Diet and Its Effect On Acne


Grow Your Own Food

There was a time when having a garden was common. Growing your own food was part of a set of skills you had for basic survival. It may seem daunting, but creating a sustainable garden for your home is simpler that you might think. You can grow nutritious, nutrient rich food your whole family will love. Time to start growing!

Good Seeds Grow Great Things: Our Interview with Kitazawa Seed Company
Add a Dash of Faith to Your Food: Interview with the Interfaith Sustainable Food Collaborative
Does Organic Food Prevent Cancer?
When Organic Vegetables Go To Heaven, They Go Here – The National Heirloom Expo!


Detoxify Your Life, Body and Home

Toxins surround us every day. It is a reality in this modern world. Learning how to keep yourself as clear as possible is a core part of a strong and resilient immune system. Our Detox Program gets you on the right path. You learn about common toxins and how to counter their effects. Prevention is essential. Take charge of your wellness today.

Protected: Pancha Karma Cleanse – An Option in the Healthy Eating Workshop for 2023
True relaxation for your body! Soak in the love (and pull out the bad) – with healing Detoxifying Soaks
Say Goodbye to Diet Soda and Say Hello To Your Health Giving You A Huge Thank You
The Impact of One Hour: New Useful Infographic On Soda


Reversing Autoimmunity

Over the last few years we've noticed an increase in autoimmune issues in people. Given higher toxin levels, processing in food and many other factors it comes as no surprise. Reversing these issues is possible, and we can show you how to begin. It does take work, but the rewards are worth it. Check out some of our articles below.

When Soy is Everywhere, What Do You Do To Stay Soy Allergy Free?
With 3 Powerfully Simple Steps One Women Reversed Her Blindness. Imagine What You Could Do?
Rid Your Body of Sulfate Doom
Get Ready To Dominate Your Inner Pickle Ninja – A Presentation With Karla Delong of Mountain Feed and Farm Supply


Microcurrent Therapies

The body is active with electric current. It is this energy that drives us on a microscopic level. It keeps our cells healthy. These subtle currents encourage a body to heal faster. Microcurrent therapies use these currents to activate adult stem cells. The restoring power of the adult stem cells is the true wonder. Learn to see how this amazing technology can help you.

New Treatments for Neuropathy: Take Control of Your Pain!
New Research: Treating Wounds with Low-Level Electrical Therapy
Can you do something now for your serious eye disease? Yes.
Microcurrent Stimulation: A Powerful Therapy That’s Here for You Today


Cancer Cascade

Cancer seems a common occurrence these days. It is impossible these days to not know someone who is going through the illness. Or know someone who's loved one is. Yet for all the money spent on research and a variety of treatments, we are falling behind. At Organic MD we see great success with alternative treatments. We see success with simple changes to diet and routine. We are here to reveal a new way of looking at cancer. And to share stories of recovery.


Reversing Allergies

Runny nose. Itchy eyes. Sneezes that go all day! Allergies can grind the day to a halt. It feels like we are battling the air around us. Although there are medications, there are changes you can make to help offset the impact of allergies. Changes in diet alone can be effective. Find a solution for you and be allergy free!

Two Quick Ways to Discover Food Sensitivities
Immune System Need a Boost? Just Sprinkle It On Your Next Meal! – An Interview with Floresta Botanicals
When Soy is Everywhere, What Do You Do To Stay Soy Allergy Free?
If Your Doctor Tells You To Eat Poop – They Might Not Be Joking.


Reversing Dementia

Dementia and other cognitive ailments can stir fear in us. Will I lose my memory? Will I be ok physically but unable to remember my loved ones? These are real concerns. There are also solutions right at your fingertips. Taking action is the first step. Read more below.


You Need Minerals

There are certain building blocks to life. We need water. We need nourishment. We need minerals. For millennia, we got most of the minerals we needed from the food we ate and the water we drank. This is not so true today. It might surprise you how lacking in minerals we all are. Organic MD is here to change that and get you on back on course. It's easier than you think.


Stress Management

Stress is tricky. It can creep into our lives in small ways and before we know it - BOOM! Being alive is stressful. It is part of what we face every day. How we manage that stress is up to us. Having simple on the fly tools helps us to release the stress we carry. We can learn to stay calm and balanced. We feel stress management is crucial to overall wellness. Our team at Organic MD can help.


Reducing Your Use of Pharmaceuticals

These days, if there is an ailment there is a medication for it. We have clients who have medications for their medications! It can be nice to have a pill to solve your issue, but how much is it solving? Medications can just mask the issue rather than resolving it. At Organic MD we believe you have many choices for wellness. We want to discover what is safe and best for you. Read to learn more.

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All posts and articles in the Category "Programs"

Protected: Pancha Karma Cleanse – An Option in the Healthy Eating Workshop for 2023
You Need Minerals Part Seven – 2023
Two Quick Ways to Discover Food Sensitivities
3 Lab Tests that Predict Heart Attack Risk – Better than Cholesterol Level
New Treatments for Neuropathy: Take Control of Your Pain!
New Research: Treating Wounds with Low-Level Electrical Therapy
True relaxation for your body! Soak in the love (and pull out the bad) – with healing Detoxifying Soaks
Good Seeds Grow Great Things: Our Interview with Kitazawa Seed Company

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