Is diet soda bad for you

A few weeks ago we talked about fire retardant in soda.

In case we sounded unclear, placing soda on the “no fly” list of your diet proves to be a great idea. Even more deserving of being placed on that list? Diet Soda. Yes, sorry to say this but you and Diet Soda should definitely part ways.

This last week a few articles appeared looking at some of the research being done on Diet Soda. More research needs to be done, but we will take whatever we can.

Several points from the data struck us especially. In the months to come our plan is to explore some of this data more in depth so we can see the effects of these chemicals on the body. What we thought interesting here:

1) Aspartame and the Brain

Your brain on aspartame

Sadly this is not some wacky fun cartoon show. Instead this is the bad news of what Aspartame does to your brain. A recent 2013 study found that rats drinking diet soda ended up with damaged cells and nerve endings in the cerebellum. Not good. You need that part of the brain for things like motor skills – which I’m guessing you might want to protect.


2) Weaker Bones

Unhappy HipsA 2014 study found that daily intake of soda increased hip fracture chances by 14% in postmenopausal women, while another study noted lower bone mineral density in the hips of older women who drank soda. Makes sense to us. Fairly sure breaking a hip is not on anyone’s Bucket List.


3) Diabetes and Kidney Function

Unhappy kidneysA few studies looked at the direct effect Diet Soda had in the increased chance of you gaining weight, developing diabetes and completely taxing out your kidneys. It is important to remember that our body contains interconnected systems that rely on each other. If you consume a product that pushes your body to create more insulin when it doesn’t have to, you begin to tax other systems like the kidneys. “Sugar-Free” does not mean “unsweetened”.

4) Taste Buds

Too sweet for meDid you know that Aspartame is 200 times sweeter than table sugar? And that Splenda is 600 times sweeter? Not surprisingly these chemicals alter receptors in the brain so that we add to our sugar craving rather than fulfill it. Our taste buds become over-sensitized and duller. Only when we cycle off these drinks can we begin to regain true sensitivity to this important sense.

The articles explore other areas as well. One place that we scratched our head came at the suggestion that dropping Diet Soda helps your ability to tolerate alcohol better. Basically the Diet Soda added to a mixed drink makes you drunk faster. Unfortunately no mention was made to cut down on the drinking all together. Somehow being excited that you could drink more without becoming wasted so quickly does not present the best message.

For one of the articles just click HERE.

We own our own wellness. We can choose what we eat and drink. We don’t have control over everything, but having control over this aspect of our lives is a great opportunity. The question becomes – will we change? I know people who drink bottles of Diet Soda every day. In fact I know people who do not drink water, relying instead on soda for their daily hydration.

What will life be like for them in 10 years? I imagine not so great. I hope they change their choices.

At Organic MD we look forward to any additional research being done on this important subject. We seem to live in a world where hard data can help facilitate change. The more we see the negative effects of these products, and the better tracking we have of that, the more true change can possibly occur.


Have you stopped the Diet Soda monster from visiting your shelves? If so, what did you replace it with? Something healthier we trust! Please share your experience in the comments. Your success can help others here.

And as always – To Your Health.

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