Resources to Support 
Your Health
Tools You Can Use

Media and Information you need to take control of your own health. The things you do to support health are the same things you need to deal with health challenges.

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The Resources are organized by Categories. These are presented below. Use the menu below to jump to the Category that interests you. Just click on the Category name, or scroll down the page.

resource 1

Podcasts and Medical Minutes

Dr. Miller and Carlyle Coash record new Podcast episodes regularly. We will show you some of our favorites here, and you can Load More at the bottom of this section to see them all. We would love it if you would subscribe to our Podcast at your favorite Podcast site. See everywhere podcast is published: CLICK HERE

Organic MD Podcast: Exploring Research Showing the Power of Adult Stem Cells.
New Treatments for Neuropathy: Take Control of Your Pain! New Podcast.
New Research: Treating Wounds with Low-Level Electrical Therapy
Purify Your Water As If Your Survival Depended On It
Mammogram? No thanks!! At least the Swiss think so!
Listen to our new podcast: Why Radioactive Isotopes surround us and what you can do to protect yourself.

Resource 2

About Food Sensitivities

Behind almost all disease is chronic inflammation, and one major contributor to chronic inflammation is the foods we choose to eat. There are just some foods our bodies do not tolerate, and we do well when we figure out which foods to avoid. The posts in this category give you some guidance on how to figure out which foods are best for you, and which to avoid.

Two Quick Ways to Discover Food Sensitivities
Amazing News: The FDA Continues to Champion Your Wellness
It’s Not What You Eat, So Have a Coke and a….20 Minute Workout?
Saving Your Health One Bite At A Time: Part Three in our Autoimmune Series.
Is My Body Sensitive to This Food? Knowing Your Health Score can Help You Decide
Once A Savior, Soy Becomes A Food Sensitivity Bad Guy.

resource 3

Cold and Flu Support

Immunity is key. When we boost our body's defenses, we give it the best chance to stay healthy all year around. It is when we let that defense wear down that we get into trouble. We have tons of safe resources for your immune health, so you don't skip a beat. Read what you can do today!

Dandelion Leaf Extract
Zinc Tally Test
How Much Vitamin D Do You Need?


Mind and Spirit

As we've mentioned before, the health of our mind and spirit is important. These aspects have profound effect on us. Keeping our emotional and spiritual life nourished is vital for overall wellness. We try and draw from the diverse traditions that surround us. There is incredible wisdom out there to help inspire us through any challenge. Below are just a few things we've discovered.

An Organic MD Holiday Card Revamp: These are Good All Year Long!
Our Words Can Harm Or They Can Heal. Your Choice.
When Suicide is Complete, Support Those Who Remain.
With Suicide Rates Increasing, Awareness Is Needed


Herbal Remedy of the Month

At Organic MD we sort through lots of remedies to find the best ones for you. It is at the core of what we do. We want you to know the brands you can trust. And we want you to have the safest products out there. Every month we handpick a must-have remedy just for you. That way you can be ready for anything! This is our commitment to you.

Turmeric as Cancer Treatment? New Research Suggests You Might Want to Consider It.
If You Drink Coffee, Drink Some that Might Actually Do You Good


What is Health?

Everyone has a different idea of what health is for them. Food that causes problems for one person may not for another. The question is - what does health mean for you? We work to give you tools to understand what you need for your wellness. We gather the best wisdom from those who are successful with their health plans. That way you don't have to start from scratch. Then all you need to do is focus on your wellness.

Can One Simple Health Test Save Your Life? Absolutely! Get It Done Today.
Mastering Wellness: Our Elders Teach Us How to Not Only Live Longer, But Better.
Finding New Hope for Community in the Pharmacies of Old


Book Reviews

There are tons of written material out there about health. It's overwhelming! We spend time every month weeding through the best book resources for your library. Having go-to resources for medical knowledge and health will serve you well. You want to be ready! Check out some of our suggestions below.

The Enneagram and the Wisdom of Knowing Yourself Well.
Not Sure What Veggies to Eat? Just Ask Grover.
More Than You Ever Thought You Would Know About Food Additives.
An Organic MD Book Review – Eat Safe: The Truth about Additives from Aspartame to Xanthan Gum


Product Reviews

Building a support for your health means having many resources at hand. With our book and remedy suggestions, we review essential products for you. Our product reviews are honest takes on a variety of items. We look for safe, reliable items supporting overall wellness. And we like to try things out. When we recommend something, we will speak from experience. Read more below.

Zyto Biocommunication Scanning
Rice. Its Not Just for Filler Anymore – Our Interview with Koda Farms-Master Rice Growers
Immune System Need a Boost? Just Sprinkle It On Your Next Meal! – An Interview with Floresta Botanicals



There days we are overrun with scientific publications. Trying to find genuine research that is real and peer reviewed is challenging. Not all research is equal. We sift through the muck to find only the most reliable scientific data. We work to make sure it is clear and easy to understand. Then you can have the best at your fingertips. With great tools, your health can thrive.

The Wonderful True World of Evidence Based Practice. It’s Not What You Thought.
Sugar Levels Out of Control? Start Getting To Know Yourself Intimately.
Vitamin C Proving To Be A Persuasive Counter to Cancer



We strive at Organic MD to give you many ways to engage. Is watching a presentation easier than reading it for you? You will find videos and workshops in our collection, as well as an archive. We want you to have everything you need to transform your health. Check out our videos below.

You Thought Your Life Was Busy! Your Remarkable Cells Have You Beat By A Mile.
Finding Peace in Moments of Unknowing – Our New Video
Dr. Miller’s Conference Presentation on Better Eye Health Program and Microcurrent Stimulation



Food glorious food! So much of our wellness comes from the meals we prepare for ourselves. We offer simple, tasty recipes to take your eating to another level. We look for recipes that are easy to prepare and not time-consuming. Best of all they follow our commitment to nourishing your whole being. Take a look!

Time to Get Your Quiche On
Time to Go Nuts for Nut Milk with Our Easy at Home Recipe
Get Ready To Dominate Your Inner Pickle Ninja – A Presentation With Karla Delong of Mountain Feed and Farm Supply
5 Tasty Recipes to Rule Your Very Vegan Christmas – Happy Holidays

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All posts and articles in the Category "Resources"

Tapping – the Emotional Freedom Technique –EFT
Protected: Pancha Karma Cleanse – An Option in the Healthy Eating Workshop for 2023
Additional Interventions for Those With Wet Macular Degeneration
You Need Minerals Part Seven – 2023
Two Quick Ways to Discover Food Sensitivities
3 Lab Tests that Predict Heart Attack Risk – Better than Cholesterol Level
Dandelion Leaf Extract
Zinc Tally Test

Latest Articles

Dandelion Leaf Extract
Zinc Tally Test