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It’s good to have a champion. You know – someone willing to protect others or with enough power to actually push a change through. These days you never
Overweight? Feeling tired? Can’t shake that chronic condition? Could it be what I’m eating? Nah. Just work out more. At least that’s what Coca-Cola thinks. A recent New York
What you eat makes a difference. Simple right? Simple to say, hard to do. This week we tackle the 2nd of the Five Factors of Autoimmune Disease. Get
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For a while soy seemed like the answer for those who struggled with dairy and dairy products. Finally a solution! Go soy. Sadly over the last couple of
As long as I can remember, milk held a role as a basic staple in the average diet. Even with the emergence of soy, almond, rice and coconut
Peeps Flavored Milk. I almost don’t need to say anything else at this point. Peeps Flavored Milk should basically convey everything quite well. If Peeps are unfamiliar to
We’ve mentioned many times here that diet can play a powerful role in your health. Even something like diabetes can essentially disappear with changes in diet and lifestyle.
Milk intake and risk of mortality and fractures in women and men: cohort studies BMJ 2014; (Published 28 October 2014) Karl Michaëlsson, Correspondence to: K Michaëlsson