Look ma! I’m glowing!
It’s our worst nightmare.
Radioactive clouds from some nearby damaged Nuclear plant singe our defenseless bodies and we grow a third eye like those fish on The Simpsons. Don’t tell us this thought never crossed your mind. We know better.
The real issue? We don’t need to live nearby for radiation from an event like Fukushima to affect us. In fact as one Canadian high school student just figured out – the fallout has arrived!
Don’t panic, though. You have options and ways to protect yourself from these gnarly toxins.
Check out our new podcast for insights on what to do and how to thrive in this crazy Nuclear age!
As a bonus, here is the “Consensus Report from the National Academies on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation-BIER-VII-2006” Download BIER-VII-2006 Here:  BEIR-VII-2006
PODCAST PLAYER: Below you can listen to the podcast. If you click the three dots on the top right of the player you can download, share and subscribe.