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Your Genes Are Not Your Destiny

This is the seventh of eight talks we are putting together about the eye work we do to help people with chronic degenerative eye conditions like macular and retinal dystrophy. Some specific names include macular degeneration, Stargardt’s disease, retinitis pigmentosa, and cone-rod dystrophy. We also help people who have severe glaucoma and separated retinas. Our eyes need a lot of support to be able to heal itself because it can. Today, we will be talking about the genetics behind these diseases. Especially the idea that your genes are not your destiny. Let me say it again: your genes are not your destiny.

We can feel trapped by the inevitable statement that we have a genetic disease. That no matter what we do, that disease will manifest. However, over the years, we have found there is much you can do. Genes are an indicator of what needs to be done, not a forgone destiny. Join us for part 7 of our series. 

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