Release and Transform Uncomfortable Feelings and Thoughts

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or "Tapping" is a body/mind self-help method. It combines a gentle touch together with mindful and vocal attention to thoughts and feelings. EFT involves tapping with our fingertips on acupuncture points on the hands, face and body while focusing (temporarily) upon an issue we wish to resolve.

While ongoing scientific research continues to document and validate EFT as an effective treatment, what is remarkable is that it works so well.

Human beings often hold a lot of memories and experiences with a large emotional charge. As a physician I see this every day. To put it simply, we need to take some steps to clear these things with emotional charge if we want to be well.

The essence of the understanding of mind-body medicine is that if you heal the mind the spirit you can heal the body, and healing the body brings healing to the mind and the spirit. Mind and body and spirit are all pieces of the one package that is you.

I use and teach a number of techniques and one that I like a great deal is EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique also commonly known as "tapping". Tapping is something you can easily learn to do for yourself. There is a lot of research showing its effectiveness, including research that shows actual positive changes in the structure of the brain after tapping!

What is tapping?

Tapping combines gentle touch in the form of tapping with your fingers on specific acupuncture points while focusing our mind and our language on an issue we want to resolve.

Much of what I learned about tapping I learned from a local practitioner, Kate Winch. Her website is and she has a great deal of free material there including some free videos. I suggest you watch a few of her videos just to understand how a basic tapping session is put together. Even if the issue she is addressing in her sample videos is not your issue, consider the video as a training exercise. Once you understand what a session looks like, you simply need to change the language to fit the issue that you want to resolve.

You can view and print a diagram showing the location of the tapping points here:

There is an organization called that has additional materials. They have a very nice "How To" guide which you can read here:   CLICK HERE

This guide is thorough but I propose to you that the quickest way to get started is to go to and watch some of her sample videos.,

Here are a few of the issues that can be addressed with tapping:

  • Anxiety
  • Grief
  • Depression
  • Chronic Pain
  • Trauma
  • Physical Ailments Of All Sorts
  • Fears
  • Stress
  • Even PTSD

Here's to your health! And happy tapping!

There is a link to a paper on EFT below, as well as a link to a diagram showing the points used for tapping.  We will be demonstrating this technique in the Healthy Eating Workshop, as well as future courses in development.

Here's to your health, and Happy Tapping!

Click Here to Read the Paper on EFT

Click Here to Get the Diagram of the Tapping Points

About the Author

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