EPISODE 67 – 2 of 3
The mind is powerful.
It can be the source of our power and demise – sometimes all in the same day. The power of suggestion or a certain message can have a great impact, especially if that message repeats itself over and over. If a negative “I’m not worth anything” message repeats itself repeatedly in your mind – and is repeated by others in your life – then this message becomes the truth. From there, it can be challenging to break free and find a better message to support you.
Here at Organic MD, we see this scenario all the time, especially with illness. If I am told over and over that “nothing can be done” for my illness or condition, well, that starts to become my truth. Nothing can be done is tethered to a message of hopelessness. A message of helplessness.
These grand statements from medicine have a flaw, however. The better statement should be, “There is nothing I (or we) can do.” Now that’s a little different, right? I offer this because Western Medicine is one of many options available regarding our health and wellness. It is one of several choices—and sometimes, we need to draw from a broader resource to get the support we need.
Below is Part Two in our series on Retinitis Pigmentosa, an illness where the phrase “nothing can be done” is all too familiar. Thankfully, because of people like Grace Halloran, we know that much can be done to not only stop this illness but reverse it. She did this in the face of great negativity and little support from the medical world. Amazingly, despite her success and the ongoing work of the Better Eye Health Program, this “nothing can be done” attitude still exists.
Sure, there are some short-term procedures available now – but they are just that – short-term. We try to take a longer view.
Part Two focuses on the research being done on Retinitis Pigmentosa. This poses a challenge since for all the money spent on research, the solutions are few. Everyone wants one big action rather than seeing that many smaller actions work better and more long-term. The point is that there are things you can do now. A new message presents itself then: “I can.”
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Transcript of the Video is below:
Retinitis Pigmentosa Treatment Now! - Part Two
When You Limit Your Mind, You Limit Possibility
Hi this is Dr. Damon Miller- your Organic MD…
And this is Carlyle Coash. Welcome to the Organic MD.com videocast. This is part 2 in our series on Retinitis Pigmentosa.
(Dr. Miller) We’re just talking about some individual diseases. We work with all of the degenerative eye diseases – the retinopathies, the maculopathies. We’re doing this on Retinitis Pigmentosa and today we’re going to be talking about some of the research that’s going on for Retinitis Pigmentosa.
And I could make this talk really short. I said something similar – we did a similar talk about Stargardt Disease – but there’s really not a whole lot of interesting research going on for RP right now. I know that’s going to offend some of the researchers but the research that’s going on about RP is just, in my opinion, playing around the edges.
I get calls from people that I work with and they’re really excited – they read an article in the newspaper that says they’re doing a big study at Duke on fish oil and DHA I just I want scream. Because you know there is peer-reviewed medical literature showing the value of fish oil in these diseases back from the 60s and the 70’s and the only thing that’s different is that the research that was done 30, 40, 50 years ago wasn’t done by Ophthalmologists.
So they don’t then read it. They could find it in MEDLINE, they could.they can read about it. They don’t. So you know they’re researching Lutein. They’re researching antioxidant vitamins. They’re researching fish oil and things like that. But you have to understand medical research and doctors, as much as another human being, are shaped by their expectations.
An ophthalmologist holds the expectation that these problems are not reversible without some kind of major intervention. They just haven’t figured out what that intervention is yet – but they’re looking for it.
And there’s another thing, just in terms of the medical model of how research is done – the money that’s out there to fund research comes from two major places, when you’re talking about eye disease. There’s some very respectable nonprofit groups that have raised hundreds of millions of dollars for research. Unfortunately that hasn’t yielded anything. There’s no treatment that’s come out of all those hundreds of million dollars of research.
And then there’s research that’s done by drug companies, pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies – looking for some kind of procedure, a device, a drug that could be sold to you. And that skews the research because they’re looking for something that they can do to you and what we found, and what we’ll talk about in our next and third installment of this series of podcasts (video podcasts), is we’ll be talking about the things that we have found that actually can reverse these diseases and lead to regeneration in the eye.
Actual regeneration. Your eye fixes itself – if we give it the kind of support that it needs.
(Carlyle) Which is….that’s a little bit harder maybe..for these larger companies…One understands that if your going to put and spend a lot of money to research something, the hope is that there’s some sort of outcome that you can sell and regain some of the money that you spent on all that research.
We understand that model and that approach but these are the kind of things where people…. yes they might spend some money to get supplements or to get some components – but so much of it is done themselves and that’s harder to track.
(Dr. Miller) Right and there’s no…. the medical model… how things get dealt with in this day and age, it doesn’t include some procedure that’s going to take hours of hand holding and instruction and training and teaching of how you take care of the health of your eyes. And then staying with you for the months and years it may take for your eyes to actually regenerate themselves.
The good news? There are things you can do that will actually help you get your vision back. The bad news is that you have to do it. It works – but only if you do it. And you have to do it with some consistency for many months, even years, to really go all the way and that’s just not the way that ophthalmologists practice. That’s not the way most doctors practice. That’s not the medical model.
You know – you’re saying it’s hard for a company… what’s really hard.. I was talking about expectations from the doctors. Your doctor, your eye doctor, doesn’t believe that there’s anything that can be done.
And they hammer that message home to you relentlessly every time you go see them – they’re so sorry that there’s nothing they can do for you. There’s no drug, there’s no surgery.
This is a hopeless case. This is a hopeless disease – it’s irreversible - blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
And you know you hear that often enough you come to believe it.
You actually think there’s nothing that can be done and so I’m just kind of…I’m setting the stage here for a third talk that’s coming up. We’re going to talk about some other things you can do.
But please don’t be holding your breath waiting for someone to find a magic bullet for this because believe me it’s not going come in your lifetime.
It’s been 10 years away for the last thirty years and its going be 10 years away ten years from now. You know it’s a promise right now and you know I just really… I do hope that something comes of all this work that’s been done but.there is something that exists right now. Get started with that and keep your ears open as to what’s coming down the pike. But don’t be holding your breath.
Get started with what you can do now. It will pay off and you’ll be glad you did.
(Carlyle) You know what strikes me is that a number of the things…treatments that we do for these illnesses and for the other eye diseases. Enough of the components – they do take time.
They require a change and a shift in ones understanding and perspective.
A number of these things are also looking at – emotions and stress and that kind of thing – in my experience doing counseling and doing – especially doing spiritual counseling - that these things – there has been some research done on the efficacy of spiritual counseling for people - that it’s not – it’s not I had one session and I took one thing and it went away.
It’s usually over a period of time, through a series of working more deeply with the situation – with the problem -looking at these things. So it’s harder to sort of say take three spiritual pills and you’ll be better…
It has a much different process. It’s still as potent but I think maybe also in our culture…we’ve become acculturated into – what can I get now, what can be done immediately – how can it be changed immediately – how can I have it shift right now.
(Dr. Miller) Yeah I mean everybody wants it now. You know…really the good news is…the good news here is that if you stay with us and you try out the things that we show you.it doesn’t just affect your eyes.
Your health gets better. Your life gets better. You’re happier. You’re less stressed.
There are just a lot of things that get better if you take care of your health.
Not just your eyes. You know Carlyle and I just published a book called Stem Cells Heal Your Eyes. You can get a copy that on Amazon.com. There is a Kindle and paperback large print paperback versions.
I really encourage you to go and get that book and read it because it has a whole lot more about what we’re talking about here and it’ll answer the questions you have.
The next time we’re going to be talking about what we know about the treatment of this problem we call Retinitis Pigmentosa.
(Carlyle) So thank you all for joining us for Part Two in this three-part series. Just keep listening in. There’s always great content on the YouTube channel and of course on Organic MD.com.
(Dr. Miller) Like the videos, subscribe, keep in touch.
(Carlyle) And we’ll talk with you soon.
(Dr. Miller) Thank you.