EPISODE 68 – 3 of 3
Boy, do we need it these days, especially with the challenges we face?
As we’ve discussed here, the lack of hope when it comes to eye disease plays a significant role in the ability of someone to work with and overcome the effects these diseases can create. It creates despair, which works against any kind of healing. It darkens the world, providing a burden on top of what the person already carries.
Not good.
When I say Hope, I mean an openness to the possible, to the curious. Sure, one set of experts may say there is no hope, and ultimately, they may be right. But that does not mean I should stop looking or stop being curious. Hope allows for all things to be possible and for that possibility to have room to come into our lives if we let it.
Simple really.
For 30 years, individuals with serious eye diseases have found hope in the work of Grace Halloran and the Better Eye Health Program. They found hope. They found repair. They found a reversal. We know this to be true.
We are practical here at OrganicMD. If a problem had no solutions left, we’d accept that. Well, serious eye diseases like Retinitis Pigmentosa, Macular Degeneration, and Stargardt Disease have lasting solutions. There is hope.
Here is Part Three in our series on Retinitis Pigmentosa. This episode focuses on some of the treatment components of the Better Eye Health Program, especially microcurrent stimulation. The whole program is covered here at OrganicMD.com and in our new book Stem Cells Heal Your Eyes.
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Retinitis Pigmentosa Treatment Now! - Part Three
There Is Hope For Sight
Hi this is Dr. Damon Miller, your Organic MD. And this is Carlyle Coash. Welcome to Organic MD.com and our video cast here on our YouTube channel and this is part 3 of a 3 part series we’re doing on Retinitis Pigmentosa.
(Dr. Miller) And today we’re gonna be talking aboutsome the things we know about treatment of Retinitis Pigmentosa and this is going to be different than what you hear about from your ophthalmologist and what you hear about in the news…
(Carlyle) Why is that?
(Dr. Miller) Well that’s a good question Carlyle, that’s a good question. You know these things that we do have been in the news. It’s been on the Today Show. It’s been in the Townsend letter. I’ve given a number scientific presentations at conferences but this is just not mainstream and so even when a story shows up and people are really amazed for a few days but it has a very short new cycle, as they say. And so the stories don’t just get spread around and stay alive for weeks and months.
But our job is to just let you know that there is another story out there, especially if you are suffering from one of these diseases and you’re tired of hearing your ophthalmologist tell you that there’s nothing that can be done because there is something that can be done and we are here to tell you what that is
So the one thing that even the ophthalmologists talk about…they talk about the…
(Carlyle) You sounded a little like Groucho Marx there for a second…
(Dr. Miller) Thank you, thank you. Very good. There are the vitamins that are used in things but please realize that years – decades, decades of research have looked at the use of vitamins and supplements and all kinds of mixes and different products for these diseases – Retinitis Pigmentosa, Macular Degeneration, Stargardt Disease and the best – the best that’s ever been shown is that using supplements alone will slow the progression of the disease.
Your eyes will continue to get worse, just not quite as quickly. They will not stop the disease. They will not reverse it. There is no supplement or combination of supplements that’s ever been shown to bring a lasting halt to the progression of the disease or to bring any kind of lasting recovery. You’ve got to do more.
And we are going to outline briefly what we know that more is. I just want to say if you’re really interested in this Carlyle and I just put a book out called Stem Cells Heal Your Eyes. It’s available on Amazon.com. There’s a Kindle version and a large print paperback version. You really want to get that if you want the detail on this and there’s also a lot material at OrganicMD.com
But beside the vitamins – we titled the book Stem Cells Heal Your Eyes because we’ve come to understand that this work we’ve been doing for decades where we’ve seen people get better the reason these therapies allow people to get better is they engage the system of adult stem cells that we were all born with, that we all carry around with this everywhere we go.
The system that is now understood - I don’t care if it’s a major injury or you just cut yourself shaving – it’s your adult stem cells that are engaged to heal that wound even if it’s just a cut on your leg or your face heal that wound so that things grow back and look the way they did before they were injured.
It’s stem cells that do that. And those same stem cells, those same adult stem cells, we’re not buying as a product – nobody’s injecting them into us. We have them. Those can be engaged to help regenerate your eye. Those can be engaged to help regenerate your eyes.
(Carlyle) In a sense that some of the supplements that are the most effective are ones that actually help stimulate that. Along with diet.
(Dr. Miller) Yes. One supplement we use leads to an increased amount of circulating stem cells…The adult stem cells hang out mostly in the bone marrow. Their day job, if you want to call it that, is that they make blood cells – they make white cells, red cells, platelets – all these kinds of things.
But when needed there are signals that can come from areas of injury that can cause those cells to release – go into the bloodstream – and they sniff out the area of injury and engage in the repair of that. It’s complex how that works and we talk about that in the book.
But one of the problems when you have a chronic injury or chronic degenerative process, where there’s no real inflammation, all the things that would trigger and stimulate that system are missing. The inflammation plays a role in that. So that’s where things, especially the microcurrent stimulation, seem to play a role in calling and signaling to those adult stem cells.
And you know this work with microcurrent stimulation – two pieces that I think it’s important to include in this little talk here. One is that it isn’t the be all and end all.
(Carlyle) Just like the other things…not just one part.
(Dr.Miller) Yes. Grace Halloran who started this work back in the seventies trying to treat her own son and her family – she had a familial form of this – she was getting great results with people for 10 years before she ever introduced microcurrent stimulation.
And if all you did was get a decent microcurrent stimulator and treat yourself you probably wouldn’t get very good results – it’s gotta be a holistic approach. That’s with whole-ism in the sense of treating all of the parts of your health. But the microcurrent stimulation does help. It makes things happen faster.
The other part about microcurrent stimulation is that it.. you know I first read about it in the seventies. There were articles where orthopedic surgeons, who were helping develop this, they were actually amputating legs off of animals and getting them to regrow. This was before I was ever involved in the eyes, before I was ever even in medical school. And I was tearing these articles out of the journal Science & Nature and Scientific American going – this is amazing – If you can re-grow a limb you’ve cut off an animal what can’t you do?
And all that research still stands. No one disputes it. It’s quite elegant and amazing research. And so..we just harness the power of that to help regenerate your eyes.
And so again we have this book that we published – Stem Cells Heal Your Eyes – it really lays it out in more detail…..
(Carlyle) And just to add too that one of the components that we’ve added into the program – that’s that’s now a very strong component. I suppose it’s always been in some respects but we’ve made it more formal is really addressing the nutrition and the diet aspect.
There’s this way in which if your body – you talked about inflammation – so if your body is just always inflamed – because your diet isn’t very good – you not taking very good care – then those stem cells don’t even know where to find the things that really need healing because everything, everything….. the red lights are on everywhere..
(Dr. Miller) We made that Healthy Eating Workshop mandatory for everybody in our eye program, the Better Eye Health Program, because there are a lot of people who eat what looks like a very good diet but the one – the kind of magic thing that you need to understand is food sensitivities. If you’re eating foods that your body doesn’t like – they could be really great foods- beautiful foods -organic. Really great food for somebody else but if it’s not a good food for you it just it’s another source of inflammation.
Eating a good diet becomes a very complex subject because it’s a good diet for you. It may not be a good diet for somebody else. It’s got to be what’s a good diet for you and so that’s what we do now as part of that module in the program.
And I think I am going to end it there. This is a program that works – the Better Eye Health Program. It’s a program that works but only if you do it.
So it’s one of those – Just Try It. Like so many things in life. Just Try It.
It’s safe. It’s easy. It will work for you. And we will work with you.
This is the last of the talks on Retinitis Pigmentosa. We will be doing additional talks down the road. Stay tuned. Subscribe to our YouTube channel if you want to be getting notices when we put new videos up.
(Carlyle) So thank you and we really appreciate you spending time and listening to this and as always if you have ideas or suggestions let us know and we will talk to you soon.
(Dr. Miller) And just remember There is Hope for Sight. There is Hope for Sight. Thank you.