How to lower blood sugar naturally

We have a problem in this country.

(OK, more than one problem, but for right now I’ll try to tackle just one.)

The problem I want to talk about today concerns blood sugar. More and more people have elevated levels of fasting blood glucose (blood sugar). This is the level of blood sugar in your system in the morning before you’ve eaten, assuming you were having your blood taken. If you have high blood sugars day after day, month after month, year after year you are at significantly increased risk of premature death from a variety of diseases. Those of you who joined us earlier this year in the Healthy Eating Workshop know the mechanisms behind this.

There is no mystery as to the cause. If you have high blood sugars, it is likely caused by a diet with too many simple carbohydrates and too much sugar. The solution is to change your diet. Change your diet to save your life.

Sounds simple but it is not as simple as it sounds. The reason is no one-size-fits-all diet plan can correct this problem. You generally need a diet that addresses your body and how it manages different kinds of foods. Figuring this out can take some trial and error. It can be done, but it takes patience and support.

This is the idea behind our Healthy Eating Workshop, and I encourage you to join us when we next offer it live or as the at home study version. It can be a bit frustrating, for what works for your friend may not work for you. However if you take some time to look at your own sensitivities you can make profound changes to your wellness.

This is not new knowledge. Ask anyone who works with individuals to find the healthiest diet for them. They will tell you that although generally there are some universal changes people can make, in the end each person needs to drill down deeper to make it more personal. In this way you take into account factors effecting you on a daily basis. Factors that might not be present for another person following the same path.

Doctors, nutritionists and health policy planners often talk from a one-size-fits-all model, if only people would do it. I think this approach embodies some limited thinking. Sure it’s easier to have one solution, but with a little more effort you can create a solution that will cause deep and lasting impact for you in the long run. In my experience that tends to work better because it encourages people to take ownership of their diet in a different way.

It is a main reason why I was fascinated by a recent study out of Israel published in November. There is a link to the study below, but let me summarize the findings. Simply, they found that in trying to find a diet plan to reduce the blood sugar in people, there was no one diet that worked for everyone. The article is full of a great deal of data, although understanding some of the charts is a challenge, but the final message is simple: there is no one good diet that suits everyone.

To calculate the best diet for you using the methods they used in the research is going to cost you over $3000 in lab tests. Or, you can simply keep a watch out for our next Healthy Eating Workshop, where in six weeks you will be well on your way to knowing the basics of the best diet for the unique you. Just try it. Your body will thank you.

The summary and link to the article are below:

Personalized Nutrition by Prediction of Glycemic Responses

Cell 163, 1079–1094, November 19, 2015

Click Here for the link to the Article

Here are some of the highlights and Summary of the article:


•High interpersonal variability in post-meal glucose observed in an 800-person cohort

•Using personal and microbiome features enables accurate glucose response prediction

•Prediction is accurate and superior to common practice in an independent cohort

•Short-term personalized dietary interventions successfully lower post-meal glucose


Elevated postprandial blood glucose levels constitute a global epidemic and a major risk factor for prediabetes and type II diabetes, but existing dietary methods for controlling them have limited efficacy. Here, we continuously monitored week-long glucose levels in an 800-person cohort, measured responses to 46,898 meals, and found high variability in the response to identical meals, suggesting that universal dietary recommendations may have limited utility. We devised a machine-learning algorithm that integrates blood parameters, dietary habits, anthropometrics, physical activity, and gut microbiota measured in this cohort and showed that it accurately predicts personalized postprandial glycemic response to real-life meals. We validated these predictions in an independent 100-person cohort. Finally, a blinded randomized controlled dietary intervention based on this algorithm resulted in significantly lower postprandial responses and consistent alterations to gut microbiota configuration. Together, our results suggest that personalized diets may successfully modify elevated postprandial blood glucose and its metabolic consequences.

We hope you find this interesting. If you have questions about this or our Healthy Eating Workshop, please contact us or leave a comment below.

To Your Health.

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