Mediterranean diet and bone health

You are what you eat.


It’s a theme we return to again and again. A theme that focuses on the profound impact diet can have on health. We return to it frequently because we see it play out regularly for the people we work with. A person presents with a host of issues, which somehow vanish after some serious review and changes in their diet.


You see something work enough times, it stirs a sense that it might be worth paying attention to.


It looks as if we are not alone in our discoveries. A recent study in JAMA (check it out HERE), looked at the role of dietary patterns and fractures in postmenopausal women. They looked at data from over 40 clinics across the United States, with a participant total of around 90,000 women with an average age of 64. As part of the study they asked participants to fill out detailed dietary reports to track eating habits. They found that those women who followed a basic Mediterranean diet were .29% less likely to have a hip fracture than those who ate a more conventional diet.


In general the Mediterranean Diet consists largely of vegetables, fruit, nuts and unrefined grains. Although fish is included, overall meat consumption is limited, as well as dairy and saturated fat. The researchers found that approaching your life with this type of diet could provide some improvement to overall health, especially bone health. Although the percentage benefit might seem small, it does continue to support the idea that following a cleaner, well balanced diet provides benefit.


To read more on this story, check out the article on the CNN News page. (Check it out HERE). We will keep our eyes peeled for further research in the coming months. Given the general push with certain diseases to provide pharmaceutical options primarily, it is encouraging to see options that focus on supporting your body with healthy choices instead.


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